24 June 2012

Roland Juno-60

Roland Juno-60
item # Title Date End Bids State USD Country
300721658950 Roland Juno-60 Synthesizer WITH DCB-MIDI BOX 2012-06-16 45 Work 976 US
320921098939 Roland Juno 60 Syntheziser Good Conition 2012-06-13 25 Work 731 US
190686072740 Roland Juno 60 Just Serviced 2012-06-08 5 Work 660 US
300720395871 Vintage Roland Juno 60 61 Key Analog Synth w/ Case Synthezsizer 2012-06-07 26 Work 610 US
180895462609 Roland Juno 60 Vintage with road case 2012-06-06 1 Work 850 US
280890955567 Roland Juno-60 Synthesizer 2012-06-05 9 Work 660 US
180895366537 Roland Juno 60 106 6 Vintage Analog Synth + JSQ-60 Sequencer NICE CONDITION! 2012-06-05 1 Work 900 US
290720744743 Roland Juno-60 Synthesizer w/ Hard Case 2012-06-04 1 Work 1000 US
290717758945 Roland Juno-60 Synthesizer w/ Hard Case 2012-05-30 5 Work 970 US
280886047034 Roland Juno-60 Synthesizer Vintage 2012-05-29 4 Work 710 US
290716306555 ROLAND JUNO 60 ANALOG SYNTHESIZER KEYBOARD - vintage - retro - instrument 2012-05-28 16 Work 480 US
290714357377 Roland Juno-60 Synthesizer 2012-05-22 21 Work 620 US
261024786243 Roland Juno-60 Synthesizer VG w/hard case 2012-05-21 1 Work 1150 US
190678876771 Roland Juno-60 Vintage Analog Polyphonic Synth Synthesizer 2012-05-21 23 Work 871 US
221019831302 Roland Juno 60 Polyphonic Synthesizer 2012-05-19 11 Work 1158 GB
320902777152 Roland Juno-60 for parts 2012-05-14 2 Broken 200 US
230780989728 Roland Juno 60 WITH ORIGIONAL SOUND DATA TAPE! 2012-05-04 3 Work 906 GB
130682118642 RARITÄT LEGENDE ROLAND Juno 60 Keyboard Analoger Synthesizer Defekt 2012-04-24 19 Broken 805 DE
130681069968 Roland Juno 60 Synthesizer 2012-04-22 10 Work 1031 GB
110858538789 Roland Juno 60 programmable polyphonic synthesizer JU-60 2012-04-16 6 Work 709 US


Offer/Month Sold/Month Offer Demand Bids Avg:bids/Sold Higher asked Higher Sold Lower Sold Avg Price
27.52 13.60 255 126 1614 12 1725.76 2219.75 78.85 928.99

All prices in USD

Only last 20 auctions shown