24 March 2012

E-mu Proteus 2K ROMs

item # Title Date End Bids State USD Country
251019392926 E-MU PROTEUS 2000 / Orchestral Volume 1 / Sound Card 2012-03-19 5 Work 56 US
260969542607 Emu 'Xtreme Lead-1' Sound Expansion ROM for Proteus 2000, etc. 2012-03-11 1 Work 108 GB
290678061502 EMU XL-7 E-MU MP-7 Zusatzboard Proteus 2000 Expansion Sound Rom Pure Phatt! TOP! 2012-03-11 2 Work 131 DE
280836838304 E-mu Emu 9065 Vintage Collection 32MB Expansion ROM 2012-03-09 10 Work 205 AU
160750635662 E-mu xtreme leads rom 2012-03-07 6 Work 69 US
140697950449 Emu's Rarest rom The Vintage Pro rom 2012-02-13 10 Work 178 US
270902787680 E-MU Siedlaczek rom card 2012-02-07 1 Work 175 US
270902783613 E-MU World rom card 2012-02-07 4 Work 183 US
160725536156 E-mu E-MU Planet Earth with Protozoa ROM expansion 2012-02-04 1 Work 350 US
280813417062 E-MU PROTEUS Composer ROM EMU 2012-02-02 3 Work 82 US
200703364040 E-mu X-Lead ROM 2012-01-28 6 Work 102 DE
280813412411 E-MU PROTEUS Protozoa ROM EMU 2012-01-27 1 Work 100 US
200700415743 Protozoa ROM E-MU E-MU Expansion Board 2012-01-20 2 Work 131 DE


Offer/Month Sold/Month Offer Demand Bids Avg:bids/Sold Higher asked Higher Sold Lower Sold Avg Price
16.50 2.44 88 13 52 4 532.19 349.95 56.00 143.72

All prices in USD

To convert use xe currency converter