07 March 2012

Sequential Circuits Pro-One

item # Title Date End Bids State USD Country
130656450855 Sequential Circuits Pro one - Classic Synth - Great Condition - BARGAIN 2012-03-04 6 Work 1385 GB
320836731505 Sequential Circuits Pro one Vintage Analogue Keyboard 2012-02-05 14 Work 1419 GB
250978490385 SCI Sequential Circuits Pro One - analog Synthesizer - Top Zustand / near mint 2012-02-01 1 Work 2044 DE
290661389626 Sequential circuits pro one synthesizer synth 2012-01-30 22 Work 806 GB
130610969044 Sequential Circuits Pro One vintage analogue synthesizer 2011-12-12 7 Work 1703 GB
350509133142 Sequential Circuits Pro One Keyboard 2011-11-28 15 Work 962 US
280771443003 Sequential Circuits Pro One 1 syntesizer synth keyboard analogue vintage 2011-11-20 3 Work 1488 GB
260869799123 Sequential Circuits Pro One Keyboard 2011-10-15 1 Work 999 US
140608708963 Sequential Circuits Pro One Synthesiser - Rare and Hard to Find 2011-09-26 16 Work 1379 GB
170696940092 SCI Sequential Circuits Pro One Analog Synthesizer 2011-09-21 16 Work 1203 DE


Offer/Month Sold/Month Offer Demand Bids Avg:bids/Sold Higher asked Lower asked Higher Sold Lower Sold Avg Price
1.79 1.79 10 10 101 10 0.00 99999.00 2044.29 805.88 1338.94

All prices in USD

To convert use xe currency converter