20 July 2012

Roland TR-808

Roland TR-808
item # Title Date End Bids State USD Country
180921954795 Roland TR 808 - 100% functional - Inc. MIDI/Din Converter 2012-07-12 4 Work 1901 GB
120942644699 Roland TR-808 2012-07-12 15 Work 2601 US
110904170998 Roland TR-808 Rhythm Composer Drum Machine 2012-07-02 5 Work 1566 US
251095642662 Roland TR-808 Rhythm Composer 2012-06-30 1 Work 1800 IL
170858761897 roland tr 808 drum machine 2012-06-21 20 Work 2008 GB
320916193235 Roland TR 808 2012-06-06 16 Work 2374 CH
140761351317 Roland TR-808 2012-06-01 16 Work 2169 DE
221031783063 Roland TR-808 2012-05-29 11 Work 1947 CH
320911600750 VINTAGE ROLAND TR-808 Rythym Composer 2012-05-29 22 Work 1874 CA
110879535490 Roland TR-808 2012-05-20 20 Work 2178 DE
180877577937 Roland TR-808 Vintage Drum Machine+Midi Sync Converter 2012-05-15 25 Work 1925 US
190669767083 Roland TR-808 Rythm Composer 2012-05-02 19 Work 1843 GB
120881413210 Roland TR-808 Rythm Composer with Midi Sync Converter 2012-03-28 26 Work 2125 US
180843460618 Roland TR-808 with MIDI retrofit 2012-03-19 7 Work 2683 GB
290680439740 Roland TR 808 2012-03-17 17 Work 2688 GB
150773171289 Roland TR808 Drum Machine 2012-03-12 3 Work 2625 GB
220953525094 ROLAND TR 808 2012-03-04 17 Work 2476 GB
110830693357 roland tr808 rhythm composer drum machine 2012-03-04 1 Work 2381 GB
320852490594 Roland TR-808 TR808 in excellent condition 2012-02-26 16 Work 1714 GB
230744901748 Roland TR 808 Vinatge Drum Machine 2012-02-21 40 Work 2629 DE
Offer/Month Sold/Month Offer Demand Bids Avg:bids/Sold Higher asked Higher Sold Lower Sold Avg Price
4.49 1.76 145 57 828 14 3861.83 2937.34 90.65 1925.39
All prices in USD
Only last 20 auctions shown