03 October 2012

Oberheim Matrix 6r

Oberheim Matrix 6r
item # Title Date End Bids State USD Country
170905660851 Oberheim Matrix-6R 2012-09-11 2 Work 418 US
280954269753 Oberheim Matrix-6 Rack 2012-09-10 1 Work 375 US
120959935545 Oberheim Matrix 6R 2012-08-09 19 Work 929 GB
230833137288 Oberheim Matrix-6R Rackmount Synthesizer 2012-08-08 42 Work 480 US
200800646552 Oberheim Matrix 6R, Tonerzeugung defekt 2012-08-05 22 Work 333 DE
230822858673 Oberheim Matrix 6R, 6 voice analog synthesizer, NICE! 2012-07-14 2 Work 611 JP
130726028005 Oberheim Matrix 6R Synthesizer - Mint 2012-07-11 12 Work 305 US
290722970818 OBERHEIM MATRIX 6R Rack. Works Perfectly. Great Cosmetically 2012-06-11 5 Work 465 US
330742380668 Vintage 80's Oberheim Matrix 6R analog poly synth w/ manual FREE SHIPPING 1000 2012-06-07 7 Work 430 US
230792346269 oberheim matrix 6r vintage synth 2012-05-23 3 Work 320 US
120914756329 Oberheim Matrix 6R rackmount synthesizer 2012-05-21 16 Work 260 US
120914004474 Oberheim Matrix 6R - Analog Synth with Original Box and Manual 2012-05-20 20 Work 351 US
221017219571 Oberheim Matrix-6R Kultsynthesizer 2012-05-13 25 Work 579 DE
120906541553 Oberheim Matrix 6R w/2 manuals 2012-05-06 12 Work 280 US
230769566487 Oberheim Matrix 6r Analog Synth 2012-04-06 2 Work 431 US
150786073918 Oberheim Matrix 6R 2012-04-05 33 Work 415 CA
220985902193 Oberheim Matrix 6r Rack Mount analog synth 2012-04-01 13 Work 405 US
130663390095 Oberheim Matrix 6R Analog Synthesizer * VGC * Works great * 2012-03-12 1 Work 425 US
280826792218 Oberheim Matrix 6r Analog Synthesizer. Awesome ! 2012-02-22 1 Work 435 US
180812540884 Oberheim Matrix 6R 2012-02-12 23 Work 643 DE


Offer/Month Sold/Month Offer Demand Bids Avg:bids/Sold Higher asked Higher Sold Lower Sold Avg Price
5.30 3.36 183 116 1211 10 747.10 928.95 146.56 378.09

All prices in USD

Only last 20 auctions shown