01 October 2012

Octave Cat

Octave Cat
item # Title Date End Bids State USD Country
300722840646 OCTAVE CAT SYNTHESIZER MODEL 1853 GOOD WORKING CONDITION NICE LOOK !!!!!! 2012-06-18 17 Work 1150 US
221037462178 Cat by Octave vintage analog synthesizer synth - works, but needs a fix. 2012-06-08 3 Work 1060 US
120893160027 The Cat by Octave - Electronic Music Syntehesizer - Vintage Analog - Model 1853 2012-04-14 12 Work 921 US
120875048205 The Cat by Octave - Electronic Music Syntehesizer - Vintage Analog - Model 1853 2012-03-18 16 Work 1058 US
130660454159 VTG OCTAVE The Cat Synthesizer Model 1853 Analog Mono Electronic Synth Keyboard 2012-03-11 6 Work 720 US
110829178772 Octave the CAT SRM Analog Synthesizer - ARP Odyssey - Excellent Shape - POLY 2012-02-25 1 Work 1250 US
170709936619 Octave Cat analog synthesizer synth 2011-10-16 16 Work 988 US
320768004579 Octave Kitten Vintage Analog Synth Cat Odyssey 70s USA 2011-10-08 6 Work 422 GB


Offer/Month Sold/Month Offer Demand Bids Avg:bids/Sold Higher asked Higher Sold Lower Sold Avg Price
3.66 1.02 43 12 96 8 2297.50 1375.99 421.51 1016.30

All prices in USD

Only last 20 auctions shown