25 November 2012

Roland Juno-60

Roland Juno-60
item # Title Date End Bids State USD Country
230882409056 Roland Juno 60 with Minerva midi 6 voice analog synthesizer 2012-11-21 1 Work 828 JP
221152838334 Roland Juno 60 2012-11-17 32 Work 1082 GB
221148637564 Roland Juno 60 Analog Synthesizer mit MIDI !!! 2012-11-13 18 Work 835 DE
300810184385 Roland Juno-60 Synthesizer and JSQ-60 Recorder 2012-11-11 11 Work 810 US
251178600800 Roland Juno 60, Vintage Synthesizer, Synth, excellent condition 2012-11-10 18 Work 1376 US
221138831683 Roland Juno-60 Synthesizer 2012-10-18 16 Work 760 CA
130782268180 Roland Juno 60 Classic Analog Polysynth JU-60 *Very Good Condition! 2012-10-18 1 Work 899 US
251165758043 Roland Juno 60 with DCB interface 2012-10-15 3 Work 830 US
221135062026 Roland Juno 60 Analog Synthesizer mit MIDI !!! 2012-10-14 24 Work 1232 DE
251165217380 Roland Juno 60 2012-10-14 14 Work 1044 GB
221137632688 Roland Juno 60 2012-10-14 36 Work 1062 GB
200829391889 Roland Juno 60 2012-10-14 11 Work 514 GB
190736061941 Roland Juno 60 Classic Analog Synth 2012-10-14 4 Work 750 US
200829182072 Roland Juno 60 Synthesizer 2012-10-13 4 Work 786 US
200826567155 ROLAND JUNO-60 VINTAGE ANALOGUE SYNTH ANALOG JUNO 60 2012-10-07 24 Work 1220 GB
330802470026 Roland Juno 60 Analog Synth Polyphonic Synthesizer 2012-10-07 33 Work 1336 DE
230855258595 Roland juno 60 Analog Synth 1982 2012-10-03 41 Work 1567 DE
330795132196 Roland Juno 60 Polyphonic Synthesizer 2012-09-26 11 Work 1097 GB
300778158782 Roland Juno-60 Synthesizer 2012-09-20 15 Work 915 US
221122262024 Roland Juno-60 Juno 60 analog synthesizer - with original box and two pedals 2012-09-18 22 Work 950 US


Offer/Month Sold/Month Offer Demand Bids Avg:bids/Sold Higher asked Higher Sold Lower Sold Avg Price
30.76 13.26 443 191 2448 12 159248.99 2219.75 78.85 937.43

All prices in USD

Only last 20 auctions shown