08 December 2012

Korg MS-50

Korg MS-50
item # Title Date End Bids State USD Country
230849889376 Korg MS-50 MS50 vintage analog synth synthesizer 2012-09-20 17 Work 1650 US
300773020652 Vintage Korg MS-50 analog modular synth expander 2012-09-11 11 Work 1955 GB
170898104585 Korg MS50 MS 50 Synthesizer analog sehr selten Modularsystem 2012-08-26 24 Work 1719 DE
330737186199 Korg SQ-10 SQ10 vintage analog sequencer for use with MS-10, MS-20, MS-50 2012-06-01 2 Work 1225 US
330723993270 Korg SQ-10 SQ10 vintage analog sequencer for use with MS-10, MS-20, MS-50 2012-05-07 6 Work 1425 US
251012656416 Korg MS 50 - eine analoge Rarität 2012-03-18 6 Work 2040 DE
110808767059 Korg MS-50 2012-01-20 22 Work 2116 DE


Offer/Month Sold/Month Offer Demand Bids Avg:bids/Sold Higher asked Higher Sold Lower Sold Avg Price
1.76 0.69 23 9 91 10 2999.00 2116.34 1225.00 1736.36

All prices in USD

Only last 20 auctions shown