15 December 2012

Roland JV-90

Roland JV-90
item # Title Date End Bids State USD Country
290824151835 Roland JV-90 2012-12-08 15 Work 168 US
290814186383 Roland JV-90 Synthesizer with Case 2012-11-22 4 Work 199 US
271101241951 Roland JV-90 Expandable Synthesizer 2012-11-21 3 Work 103 US
330827551181 ROLAND JV 90 EXPANDABLE SYNTHESIZER KEYBOARD _5 13778 2012-11-19 19 Work 153 US
170931236923 ROLAND JV-90 76-KEY SYNTHESIZER 2012-11-04 6 Work 168 US
170927929638 Roland JV-90 Synthesizer 2012-10-30 7 Work 270 US
121001633531 Roland JV-90 2012-10-23 12 Work 272 US
280992247432 Roland JV90 76 Note Synth + expansion board With Flightcase 2012-10-16 15 Work 249 GB
140859633907 Roland JV-90 Expandable Synthesizer 2012-10-07 12 Work 310 DE
251158421702 ROLAND JV-90 Synthesizer inkl. Case, gebraucht 2012-10-07 4 Work 250 DE
280980175926 ROLAND JV90 EXPANDABLE SYNTHESIZER 2012-10-04 15 Work 233 US
271057404507 ROLAND JV90 EXPANDABLE SYNTHESIZER 2012-09-18 20 Work 232 US
200814359280 Roland JV-90 JV90 Digital Synthesizer Synth Keyboard 2012-09-09 2 Work 255 US
271043126185 ROLAND JV90 EXPANDABLE SYNTHESIZER 2012-08-31 24 Work 203 US
140820400280 Roland JV 90 Synth with Expansion Board 2012-08-15 2 Work 117 US
120962401454 Roland JV-90 Expandable Synthesizer!!! 2012-08-10 8 Broken 52 US
251114590310 Roland JV90 Synthesiser 2012-08-01 11 Work 313 GB
140806906163 Roland JV 90 Synth with Expansion Board 2012-07-30 8 Work 153 US
160850247297 Roland JV-90 synthesizer -- NO Reserve 2012-07-29 52 Work 100 US
261072456175 Roland JV-90 Keyboard 2012-07-29 2 Broken 76 US


Offer/Month Sold/Month Offer Demand Bids Avg:bids/Sold Higher asked Higher Sold Lower Sold Avg Price
3.92 2.20 57 32 292 9 699.99 403.83 100.00 227.59

All prices in USD

Only last 20 auctions shown