03 December 2012

Roland VP-330

Roland VP-330
item # Title Date End Bids State USD Country
190684031411 Roland Vocoder VP 330 Plus Analog String and Choir Synthesizer Machine + Case 2012-06-03 1 Work 2857 AT
320915664530 ROLAND VP-330 MK1 VOCODER PLUS VP330 WITH ORIGINAL FLIGHTCASE 2012-06-01 23 Work 2746 GB
320907412542 ROLAND VP-330 MK1 VOCODER PLUS VP330 WITH ORIGINAL FLIGHTCASE 2012-05-22 11 Work 2891 GB
130675912336 Roland vp330 Mk1 legendary analog vocoder/stringer synth 2012-04-14 7 Work 2235 DK
320881175859 ROLAND VP-330 MK1 VOCODER PLUS VP330 WITH ORIGINAL FLIGHTCASE & MANUAL 2012-04-09 23 Work 2775 GB
320858589465 ROLAND VP-330 MK1 VOCODER PLUS VP330 WITH ORIGINAL FLIGHTCASE & MANUAL 2012-03-07 12 Work 2816 GB


Offer/Month Sold/Month Offer Demand Bids Avg:bids/Sold Higher asked Higher Sold Lower Sold Avg Price
2.34 0.67 21 6 77 12 4725.00 2890.84 2235.16 2720.11

All prices in USD

Only last 20 auctions shown