27 May 2013

Roland S-770

Roland S-770
item # Title Date End Bids State USD Country
350789688730 Vintage Roland S-770 Digital Sampler 2013-05-14 1 Work 90 US
281030135260 Roland s-770 sampler 2012-12-03 2 Work 113 US
221148815048 Roland S-770 + RC 100 2012-11-13 5 Work 542 ES
221125027466 Roland S-770, High-end Sampler/Synthesizer! WITH MOUSE/Manual! MAX RAM! 2012-09-21 14 Work 342 US
130748707183 Vintage Roland S-770 S770 Digital Hardware Sampler from the early 90s 2012-08-23 25 Work 128 US
251106660764 Roland S-770 Digital Sampler & RC-100 Remote Controller 2012-07-18 18 Work 155 US
180897354829 Realistic MG-1 vintage analog synthesizer by Moog 2012-06-09 1 Work 300 US
200768567714 Moog Concertmate MG-1 Analog Synthesizer Realistic 2012-06-08 8 Work 500 US
200755533184 Roland S-770 Sampler 2012-05-12 3 Work 57 US


Offer/Month Sold/Month Offer Demand Bids Avg:bids/Sold Higher asked Higher Sold Lower Sold Avg Price
4.38 0.47 84 9 77 8 1072.94 542.12 57.00 247.37

All prices in USD

Only last 20 auctions shown