16 June 2013

Alesis S4 Plus

Alesis S4 Plus
item # Title Date End Bids State USD Country
251281218106 ALESIS S4 PLUS 64-Voice Digital Synthesizer 2013-06-03 1 Work 100 US
190844690329 Alesis S4 Plus Quadrasynth 64-Voice Sound Module Rack Mount Synthesizer NR!! 2013-05-30 31 Work 153 US
290921823003 Alesis S4 Plus Synth Rack Module 2013-05-26 1 Work 100 US
121101652786 ALESIS S4 PLUS Synthesizer 19" Modul - QUADRASYNTH S4+ (FM DX7 Ensoniq Roland) 2013-05-02 2 Work 211 DE
251263678101 Alesis S4 QuadraSynth plus Piano | MIDI Synthesizer 64stimmig | 76 Tasten 2013-04-27 1 Work 324 DE
251253142538 Alesis S4 Plus, Quadrasynth, Rack Mount Synthesizer 2013-04-06 3 Work 120 US
111044413651 Alesis S4 Plus 2013-04-04 1 Work 89 US
221200186228 ALESIS S4 Plus QuadraSynth 64 Voice Sound Module With Power Supply 2013-03-18 4 Work 101 US
251066200122 Alesis S4 PLUS sound module 2012-05-29 12 Work 88 GB
140747595500 Alesis Quadrasynth S4 Plus Synthesizer Sound Module! 2012-05-10 6 Work 128 US
200736086989 Alesis S4 Plus 64 Voice Quadra Synth 2012-04-05 5 Work 113 US
140731259893 NEW in box - Alesis S4-Plus! Rackmount Quadrasynth - BEST OFFER !! 2012-04-03 19 Work 340 US
130652519049 Alesis Quadrasynth S4 PLUS 2012-02-28 2 Work 65 US
280831324225 Alesis S4 Plus Quadro Synth with expansion card 2012-02-26 4 Broken 63 US
190636586369 ALESIS S4 PLUS QUADRASYNTH SOUND MODULE 2012-02-12 2 Work 125 CA
120848139022 Alesis S4 Plus Voice module 2012-02-01 4 Work 101 GB
170767797696 Alesis S4 Plus QuadraSynth 64 Voice Sound Module 2012-01-23 7 Work 108 US
130631122465 Alesis Quadrasynth S4 PLUS 2012-01-22 1 Broken 41 US
150734602425 Alesis Quadrasynth S4 Plus - 64 Voice Sound Module - MIDI 2012-01-17 4 Work 96 US
270889957313 Alesis Quadrasynth S4 Plus rack mount sound module (tone generator) 64 voice 2012-01-17 22 Work 105 US


Offer/Month Sold/Month Offer Demand Bids Avg:bids/Sold Higher asked Higher Sold Lower Sold Avg Price
3.07 1.06 52 18 127 7 375.84 340.00 65.00 136.97

All prices in USD

Only last 20 auctions shown