15 June 2013

Roland JP-8080

Roland JP-8080
item # Title Date End Bids State USD Country
171027576830 Roland JP-8080 - Desktop version des Roland JP-8000 / Roland JP 2013-04-27 28 Work 649 AT
140959078155 Roland JP-8000 Synthesizer (like JP-8080 with keyboard) 2013-04-21 14 Work 625 US
271189382278 Roland JP-8080 Rackmount/Tabletop Synthesizer RARE 2013-04-21 3 Work 610 US
261198936630 Roland JP-8080 JP8080 JP 8080 Virtual Analog Synth 2013-04-18 8 Work 549 GB
290894399471 Roland JP-8080 JP8080 JP 8080 Virtual Analog Synthesizer! 2013-04-13 15 Work 585 US
181109454812 Roland JP-8080 In Excellent Condition 2013-03-31 22 Work 572 GB
190812903631 Roland JP-8080 Analog Modeling Synthesizer Module – trance classic 2013-03-27 3 Work 537 GB
290876881571 Roland JP-8080 Rackmount with Case 2013-03-16 6 Work 425 US
160984572990 Roland JP-8080 Virtual Analog Synthesizer 2013-03-13 12 Work 689 AU
151007387312 Roland JP8080 Analogue Rack Mounted Synth 2013-03-10 2 Work 620 GB
111021506421 Roland JP-8080 Analog Modeling Synthesizer 2013-03-06 5 Work 475 US
160980673382 Roland JP-8080 JP8080 JP 8080, Top Zustand 2013-03-03 23 Work 645 DE
160979070865 ROLAND JP-8080 2013-02-28 26 Work 416 US
251230825689 Roland JP8080 Rack 2013-02-27 23 Work 541 AT
130854039469 Roland JP-8080 Virtual Analog Synthesizer * Very Nice Condition * 2013-02-26 2 Work 525 US
200892301093 Roland JP8080 2013-02-18 21 Work 569 BE
190793733561 Roland JP 8080 Synthesizer with original manual and box. Mint condition. 2013-02-10 17 Work 642 GB
130845484295 Roland JP-8080 Jp 8080 KULT Analog Modeling Synthesizer (no Moog Korg AKAI) 8000 2013-02-10 29 Work 749 DE
160966708259 NR - Vintage - Roland JP-8080 Tabletop Synthesizer - Good Cosmetic Condition 2013-02-07 13 Broken 199 US
251222651975 Roland JP-8080 JP8080 JP 8080 Virtual Analog Synthesizer! 2013-02-06 2 Work 455 US


Offer/Month Sold/Month Offer Demand Bids Avg:bids/Sold Higher asked Higher Sold Lower Sold Avg Price
20.71 8.06 419 163 2307 14 1604.50 1097.35 331.00 549.42

All prices in USD

Only last 20 auctions shown