20 October 2013

Roland XV-3080

Roland XV-3080
item # Title Date End Bids State USD Country
221241350896 Roland XV 3080 XV3080 Synth module GOOD CONDITION Worldwide! 2013-06-20 2 Work 245 KR
121124998208 Used Roland XV3080 Synth, XV-3080 2013-06-13 4 Broken 114 US
130922128229 Roland xv 3080 Synth rack 2013-06-10 28 Work 238 GB
271209683795 Roland XV 3080 Expander Rack 19" Soundmodul 2013-05-27 15 Work 280 DE
200927246478 Roland XV-3080 Sound Module With 6 Expansion Cards - 3 SRX and 3 JV80 Exp Cards 2013-05-27 1 Work 500 US
330921462116 Roland XV 3080 Synthesizer Modul 2013-05-26 4 Work 302 DE
221228836481 Roland XV 3080 XV3080 Synth module GOOD CONDITION Worldwide! 2013-05-23 1 Work 245 KR
251274543982 Roland XV-3080 XV3080 (Not XV-3050, Yamaha Motif, Korg Triton) 2013-05-19 1 Work 302 ES
271203396472 Roland XV3080 Synth 2013-05-19 28 Work 245 US
200923041674 Roland XV 3080 128 Voice Synth Module 2013-05-16 20 Work 212 US
251272344033 Roland XV-3080 Rackmount Synth Module 2013-05-14 6 Work 323 US
221223076950 Roland XV 3080 XV3080 Synth module PERFECT WORKING Worldwide! 2013-05-09 5 Work 255 KR
200917339092 Roland XV-3080 128 Voice Synthesizer Module/ Manuals/Mint/ 2013-04-30 1 Work 300 US
200914376970 Roland XV-3080 Professional Synth 2013-04-21 3 Work 250 US
130889848755 Roland XV3080 XV 3080 Module 2013-04-19 1 Work 350 US
111047830571 Roland XV-3080 Soundmodul - Topzustand 2013-04-14 15 Work 293 DE
130881887596 *EXPANDED* Roland XV-3080 6X 128 Expandable Voice Synthesizer Module 2013-04-10 1 Work 350 US
330899812273 Roland XV-3080 128 polyphonic voice Synthesiser Synth Module 2013-04-07 5 Work 290 GB
171017752356 Roland XV-3080 Sound Module 2013-04-06 6 Work 272 GB
190811920378 Roland XV 3080 19" Synthesizer + RAM-Card 2013-03-22 22 Work 329 DE


Offer/Month Sold/Month Offer Demand Bids Avg:bids/Sold Higher asked Higher Sold Lower Sold Avg Price
20.68 8.24 439 175 2011 11 756.01 832.00 125.50 307.24

All prices in USD

Only last 20 auctions shown