10 October 2013

Roland XV-88

Roland XV-88
item # Title Date End Bids State USD Country
230924859936 Roland XV-88 SYNTH/4ZONE CONTROLLER SIMILAR TO A-90 WITH XV3080 SOUND ENGINE 2013-02-13 2 Work 589 US
300841028039 Roland XV-88 Synthesizer 2013-01-11 3 Broken 34 GB
190725400918 Roland XV-88 2012-09-18 27 Work 510 US
120974897994 Roland XV-88 - Stagepiano/Synthesizer 2012-09-01 2 Work 651 DE
271021285194 Roland XV-88 (XV-3080 Engine) Weighted 88-key Synthesizer Keyboard 2012-07-26 29 Work 510 US
320947106744 Roland XV-88 XV-Synthesizer / Masterkeyboard 2012-07-24 12 Work 553 DE
270993281500 Roland XV-88 (XV-3080 Engine) Weighted 88-key Synthesizer Keyboard 2012-06-13 9 Work 500 US
270982298894 Roland XV 88 Keyboard 2012-05-27 17 Work 442 US
140676063205 Roland XV-88 128 Voice Keyboard Synthesizer 88 Keys + SKB case w/ wheels XV 88 2012-01-12 1 Work 800 US
250968740669 Roland XV-88 Keyboard Synthesizer 2012-01-11 7 Work 476 US


Offer/Month Sold/Month Offer Demand Bids Avg:bids/Sold Higher asked Higher Sold Lower Sold Avg Price
1.80 0.68 24 9 106 11 1824.50 799.99 442.00 559.08

All prices in USD

Only last 20 auctions shown