31 January 2023

Sequential Prophet 10

Sequential Prophet 10
item # Title Date End Bids State USD Country
181201637705 Vintage Sequential Circuits Prophet 10 Synthesizer Parts Project 2013-08-30 6 Broken 785 US
171042347549 Sequential Circuits Prophet 10 Synthesizer W/ Midi 2013-05-24 1 Work 4500 US
171040828566 Sequential Circuits Prophet-10, 2013-05-19 35 Broken 3000 US
190811096649 Sequential Circuits Prophet 10 Polyphonic Analog Synth w/MIDI and Sequencer 2013-03-20 32 Work 3650 US
190797551057 Sequential Circuits Prophet 10 Polyphonic Analog Synth w/MIDI and Sequencer 2013-02-19 20 Work 2701 US
190791269481 Sequential Circuits Prophet 10 Polyphonic Analog Synth w/MIDI and Sequencer 2013-02-05 22 Work 4100 US
190772398142 Sequential Circuits Prophet 10 synthesizer 2012-12-18 2 Work 4150 US
130585396675 Sequential Circuits "Prophet 10 Synthesizer" 2011-10-17 7 Work 3700 US


Offer/Month Sold/Month Offer Demand Bids Avg:bids/Sold Higher asked Higher Sold Lower Sold Avg Price
3.48 0.24 88 6 84 14 8500.00 4500.00 2700.50 3800.08

All prices in USD

Only last 20 auctions shown